Work With Natalie

Energy Healing

Bioenergetic therapy - or Energy Healing - focuses on the wellness pattern of the body, not on an illness pattern. It reminds the body on a cellular level of its inherent patterns of health.

By bringing to the conscious mind blocked feelings and wounds, and reframing them to align with truth, you can begin the process of changing unhealthy patterns. Finally, bioenergetics works on the principle that mind, body and spirit are interconnected aspects of the human experience.

There are several ways this therapy can benefit you.

  1. The most basic is by moving stagnant energy and rebalancing the frequencies around the body, which will allow a better flow of oxygen, blood and energy through the body.
  2. The next is by releasing muscular tension and deepening breathwork, which will promote better circulation and overall health.
  3. The third is by holding specific medically tuned vibrational frequencies over the organs of the body. Harmonic resonance removes heavy low frequency congestion and reminds the organ cells of their inherent pattern of health.
  4. The fourth is by locating and releasing blocks within the electrical flow of the body systems, allowing the flow to return to normal functioning.
  5. The fifth is locating trapped or unconscious memories, emotions and negative belief systems.

Healing from Your Home

Distance Energy Healing Sessions

$150 - Select a date and time when you can be in a quiet, peaceful environment for approximately one hour. Do your best to avoid choosing times when people may be coming and going around you, or when there’s a lot of noise or disruptions.

Book A Session →


In-Person Energy Healing Sessions

Experience the transformative power of an in-person energy session at Natalie's studio in Leawood, Kansas


The Personal Reconnection

The Personal Reconnection is a structured, precise application and interaction with the Reconnective Healing frequencies that promotes the alignment of three complimentary energetic systems essential for us to thrive. These three organized energy systems represent aspects of our existence that were designed to support and nurture our life experience as human beings.

The Personal Reconnection:

  • Is facilitated in 2 in-person sessions at Natalie's studio in Leawood, Kansas, over the course of two days within a 72 hour period, with at least one sleep cycle in between to allow for the integration of this process. 
  • Has a fee of $333 which maintains a purposeful energetic exchange resonating from the sacred numerology of this value. 
  •  Is facilitated only once in the course of your lifetime and will not need to be repeated. 



An Important Message from from me, Natalie:

Please understand that, just as with any Reconnective Healing Practitioner, I can’t make any promises or guarantees about your healing sessions. I can’t promise whether your results will come in the form you are desiring or anticipating, or a form you haven’t even dreamed of. I don’t know whether they will happen immediately or later. I don’t know if they will make themselves known to you physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, or otherwise… whether they will show up in your evolution or your life progress or in another form… whether they will make sense to you or not. I don’t even know whether you will notice anything at all. If that’s alright with you, I welcome you to schedule your Reconnective Healing Distance Session with me.